MMG Update

Effective July 29, 2024, MMG users will notice some changes in the system due to the release of new development. One major change allows the attorney of record in MNCIS to register as the guardian’s attorney and file the annual Personal Well-Being Reports and Affidavit of Service on behalf of their guardian clients within the MMG application. MMG documentation has been updated to incorporate the changes. The resources for guardians and their attorneys can be accessed through the training link below.

MMG Update

Starting April 15, 2024, guardians and their attorneys are required to use MMG to prepare and file the annual personal well-being report and affidavit of service. In preparation, development was completed to improve the usability of the application. Please view the "MMG Annual Reporting Made Easy" video that launches automatically. Additional resources for guardians can be accessed through the training link below.

Weekly System Maintenance

Due to standard weekly maintenance on Sundays between 09:00 am and 4:00 pm, you may not be able to access some functions in MyMNGuardian, including submitting your Personal Well-Being Report. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Welcome to MyMNGuardian

To begin filing your Well Being Report with the court please click the "Sign In" link above. If this is your first time accessing MMG, you will need to click "Register" to set up your account by using your email address and creating a password.

Click here to access training & help documentation for MMG.

For support questions, Contact Us.

MMG Tutorial Video New

Click Here to watch the tutorial.

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This website was developed under grant agreement SJI-17-N-030 from the State Justice Institute. The points of view expressed are those of the Minnesota Judicial Branch and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the State Justice Institute.

Version: 1.10.1